The mission of the Government Affairs Committee is to hear and research any areas of interest to the Community and to make recommendations to the Board of Directors when necessary for taking a position on an issue. Issues may range from a local sales tax referendum, to a potable water quality issue, to developments of regional impact, or to statewide bills affecting Home Rule in local governments. Any committee recommendations will be written by the Chair, or his/her designee on behalf of the committee through the Chamber CEO to the Board of Directors for consideration and final action.
Legislative Actions
Legislative topics are studied and researched by the Government Affairs Committee prior to being presented to the Board of Directors. Actions taken, are those that have been recommended by the GAC and supported by the Board of Directors. Read about our current Legislative Actions.
- Voting: On an annual basis, eight (8) core members will be appointed. Voting members must attend all meetings. Two (2) consecutive unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the voting position.
- Participating Members: All Hobe Sound Chamber members are welcome to participate. Simply contact the Chamber by calling 772-546-4724.
The GAC meets monthly to discuss issues of interest and hear presentations from elected officials and partners. If an issue affects the health and sustainability of local business, the committee has the responsibility to research the proposed impacts and give a recommendation to the Chamber’s Board of Directors for consideration of adopting a position or action. The GAC is responsible for sharing information, and should the Board of Directors adopt a position, action or resolution, the committee will help disseminate the position.
All topic requests and requests to present to the committee shall be made by contacting the Chamber at 772-546-4724. Monthly Meetings held the 4th Thursday of the month at 9:00 am at the Hobe Sound Chamber Office.
RSVP: 772-546-4724